Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Final screen shots

I have 3 final screen shots to accompany my movie and CryEngine file for hand in. Here they are..

My Final Movie

After completing my movie in Week 5 Class 2 i came to Week 6 Class 1 thinking i would be set to go turns out no... my movie got corrupted and so i had to re-edit it in a new movie making program. After finishing my movie not to the standard i wanted to i was disappointed but relieved. I unfortunately only got to add a 'title' not a ending as nor my teacher or i could figure out how. So this is my final movie

Hope you enjoy :)

Final song choice :)

My final song choice for my movie is... Magical Nights.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Developing my movie more..

I have made my first movie but it only goes for 32second. I have to add more to it to get it up to the right time but its looking good so far. I have changed it slightly from my story board but till relatively follows the same idea. The start of my movie will enter into my scenario and show off the entire look, animation and setting. The middle will be a series of short clips showing of good view points involving animation. The end of my movie will be exiting the scenario and trying to capture the size and shape of my models.
I hope to also climb on something during maybe one of the short clips in the middle section to show a birds eye view of the animation of my models.
Here is the YouTube link to my developing movie..

Music for my movie

I have been looking on the creative commons website at music that i can use for my movie. Something that i can change or post publicly. 

The first minute or so of this song is quite interesting... i thought it might go nicely in my movie as it kinda gives of an exploring vibe or even hunting to find. 

The beginning of this song is really cool. You kind of feel like your walking through a forest and hearing all the sounds The rise in the beginning which develop on the starting point for my movie. When it gets to the talking it looses its strength though. 

This is also really cool. Has a great starting point. Would work really well if i decide not to make my movie just a walk through but more a bit of a walk through and putting in some really cool view points. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Youtube clips

Another clip..

Hopefully i can get some good view points next class...

Another clip

Videoing more view points.. trying to find something that looks cool :)

Week 5: Class 1

Today i started working with video and my model. I have just started learning how to use Fraps and working with ideas on how i want my movie to work. I have also started videoing some small details of animation in my models to get some closes ups on how things work and what doesn't look so good. I have added to these to a YouTube account so here are two links of the first movies i have taken and my developing ideas....
Enjoy :)

Week 4: Class 2

During this class i learnt how to animate one of my models and make it move back and forth. This is the first time i have tried to do this. It worked really well the first time so i have used the same flow graph on more than one of my models. It has added a really good contrast to all of my other models just moving up from underneath the ground. Here is the copy of my flow graph that i made to move them in certain directions and then pull them back.

I have also been developing the first scene of my movie, i wanted it to look like my person was coming out of a full forest shot and into the area where all of my models are. So here is a picture of what my movie will look at the start.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Name ideas for my movie...

I haven't thought too much about the name of my movie because i haven't developed it enough yet for it to even really look like a movie. We also have to incorporate some kind of music back ground, I'm not so sure about this as I'm worried it will change the whole feel of my movie.
I want my movie to be sort of like a dream. Walking into clearing, running from these giant block forms, being relieved once your out. But i don't want to name it something cheesy....
- Block me out
- Giant Dreams
- Dream Scare?
- Block by block..
- Block Monsters...

I think i will talk to my teach about this one :)

Week 4: Class 1 = Glow Texture :)

This is the new texture i found with my teacher!  I really like the contrast it has with the cloth green texture. This is an image if it under the ground level on CryEngine as i am making a flow graph to animate it and move it upwards. I really like this texture and i think it might even be more effective than the cloth. The cloth looks great but is sort of loosing the form of my model. I will text out making a few more with the glow texture and see how it all turns out.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Story Board

Now i know you can't see these pictures very well but lets just pretend you can :)
Basically my idea is to have some walking out into a clearing from a forrest area. They walk out into the space and these giant block forms start coming up from the ground. The person then starts to run past and around them to get away but is getting followed and blocked by them. I can't decide if i want it  to end by the person looking back to an empty space again or to look back an see all these huge models (something i will talk to my teacher about). Anyway here is my story board.

Quite light but :)

Developing my final movie

I am still working on how my model looks on its own and in the space. I have been working a lot with my texture still as i feel as though it is a little to much. It is sort of taking away the look from my real models shape and the teacher showed me a cool new texture which is kind of glowy. I am still wanting to move my models more and i have developed how to move my model up on a time delay.

Here is an example of that. I am now going to develop a wee drawing of how my movie will go. :)