Thursday, 27 September 2012

Week 3: Class 1

After talking with my teacher about getting a new texture for my models i found this. It is a cloth texture but it is also animated. I flows in the wind like cloth would but keeps the shape of my model at the same time. It clashes terribly with my grass on the ground but im getting over that quickly and im thinking about doing something like dirt or sandy.

Full view of my model :)
I have also been working on how to animate things on CryEngine and also how to remove the guys gun and all the 'game' settings that are displayed on the screen. Here are some shots of how i did it.

Here is my spawn point and removing the game settings and gun from my screen :)

Making something move up.

Monday, 24 September 2012

100 words about my ideas.

For my final movie i have been thinking about working with animation and making my model move up and down, in and out of view. It would start with someone walking out into a clearing from a forest area to a blank space. Then when they take a step forward multiples of my model would start coming up from the ground, they would begin running from them and continuing to be stopped in their path. On exiting the area i would like it to end with the person looking back behind to an empty area like the beginning. As if it was all a dream.

Photos for interim Week 2: Class 2

These are the 3 final photos i chose for the interim assessment Week 2: Class 2 :)

Week 2: in CryEngine

I have been working on my model more in CryEngine and getting images of different views for the upcoming interim. I have been trying to focus on the model itself but often get distracted by the dinosaurs, tractors and all this other fun stuff you can put in. After talking to my teacher we have decided i should change my texture as its not really working overall on my model. Here are a few of the 'snips' i have taken of my model so far....

And some night shots with the glowing lights on my model look great...

After taking all of these i now have to decide on 3 for my interim or take some more - i like finding new view points on my model and gathering ideas on how my final movie could look.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Working in CryEngine - new model.

I have decided to bring a new model into CryEngine from SketchUp. I have made a model still with the influence of my repetition model but on a lot larger scale. I have decided to work with the things the teacher is wanting us to learn such as bringing in lights, texture and different weather. Here goes...

Here is my model in CryEngine. I have figured out how to play with rain in my scene. Although unfortunately you can still see my gun floating and my binoculars it still looks cool!!

I have figured out how to put lights around and on my model. I placed the light inside the box shapes in the model to really light up the features. It looks great in the dark :)

Adding some big trees in just for fun. 

Multiplying my model to make it look a little more interesting. I also need to make sure my project stays more about the model then the scene it is placed in. 

Showing some more views of my model through the trees. Cant figure out if this is sun rise or sun set but the lighting is cool. 

A far away shot of my model. It looks like the pathway into a small but very high lighted village. I have also been playing with the ground and rising and lowering it in some places. 
In my next class i am going to be working with this same model again hopefully making it a little more interesting! 

Thursday, 13 September 2012

New model - SketchUp

I have been playing in Google SketchUp and working on a new model to move in CryEngine for next class - i have kept with the rectangle / cubed shape from my repetition model. I have gone in a different direction though with more height and looking through the images. I hope i can create something cool with this in CryEngine :)

Putting my model in CryEngine :)

My first attempt at playing in CryEngine :) i used my model i posted on my blog below after talking with my teacher. I have found a few ways to navigate around my model and flying how to screen shot on a pc with a mac keyboard!! It was fun to have a try around and see how things look and work. Here are a few more pictures showing more views and activity....

Funny Binoculars!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Second development in Sketchup

Here i have been developing my Sketchup model more -- i had added multiples of my model. I like my model more with multiples and i feel it has definitely lost its wind mill look. My next step is to discuss with my teacher about CryEngine.

Monday, 10 September 2012

First development with Sketchup.

This is my first attempt at creating my idea into Sketchup. I really like how it is looking so far but is obviously very boring on its own. I feel as though my arrangement of the small rectangle shapes on the top have moved of from the windmill look which i am happy about. I want to develop this idea with multiples of this but i am struggling to think ahead at what this could become in CryEngine.

Developing my 3D image

In class with our teacher we did she exercises where she got us to do 4 quick 5 minute drawings of what our 3D images could look like. Her are mine...

For my first drawing i decided to develop my Repetition image - i decided to draw and see what it would look like if the rectanglur bar i had used to 'connect' the floating plates to each other in the previous project went all the way through the plates. Making it all one piece. This is as far as i got in 5 minutes....

Next i decided to pull the rectangular shapes apart as more into a floating idea again. I used the shape long rectangle shape from before and still in the middle. I explored placing the smaller rectangle shapes around this.

I then decided to bring in my figure ground image - i drew this as it was before and decided to explore the idea of the small rectangle shapes from my repetition image into a star shaped image on the top. This is as far as i got...

I then drew two of my figure ground shapes and pulled the small rectangle shapes apart again. I made them look as though they were coming out of the middle of the two figure ground images. I felt as though they were looking a little like crystals now..

I went back to the star shaped idea on top of the block image but placed them so the small rectangles were their own pieces. As though they were orbiting around in a circle...

I decided to move away from my figure ground Image and went back to my repetition one. With it all one joined image i then added in the smaller rectangles same as above. I added a small sphere shape in the centre and drew two of these images. I really like where this is going but i feel as though it is looking a little like a wind mill. I think I'm going to develop this idea into GoogleSketchup and see where it can take me.

Project 2

For project 2 we are going to be working with a new program called CryEngine. We will be using our skills of creating 3D images and turning them into a larger scaled entourage image. We will be able to view them from different angles and move around in the space as a person. My first independent study assignment for this project is to continue developing from the 3D images i created in the last project to then develop the best 3D image to move into the new project. I can do this by combining my images from the last project as well.